Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Quick Update - what day is it??!

I don't know what happened this week... I didn't even blog this weekend, it has just been CRAZY! When I woke up Tuesday to a flat tire and a ride to work from the hubby on the worst day to be late (staff meeting with the superintendent) ... sigh... I just should have known. 

I saw a post on Christina Bainbridge's blog about Lunch Bunch and I just had to post a quick update about my new program!

This week, I started a program with my students called Munch Math!! I am super pumped about it... and day one went well, so I've got that going for me! I've noticed that many of my little guys are really very low in math, missing a lot of of basic math skills. To help these kiddos, I decided to start a lunch-time math tutoring program. We do Munch Math three times a week, and each time students are invited to work on a certain skill. 

Today was my first day and as soon as I sat down with my little sweeties, one of them (mouth full of Pizza bread) says to me, "So, Mrs. Olson! Why don't you tell us about yourself!". Haha, she just cracked me up! The whole time we ate, she facilitated the conversation, asking people questions and what not :) Too dang cute!

Tell me about any lunch-time programs that your school offers, OR if you have special prizes your students can win or earn like lunch with the teacher!


oh and ps. I know I was tagged... I promise to post on that soon!!!


  1. She sounds like a funny little thing!

    Forever in First

  2. that is TOO CUTE!!!!! I love it when they act like little adults! :)

    Come on over and check out my giveaway for this week! :)
