Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Snowy Day

Good Morning!! We got a WHOLE bunch of snow last night... and by that I mean like 2 inches of powdery, fluffy, white stuff!?!

Wow… it’s been a while, but in my defense, it has been CRAZY busy in all areas of my life. Ok, I’ll try to keep this to one main teaching idea… but I know that won’t last long :)
We've been working on our running record assessments this week. On Wednesday, we had PD in the morning about the Fountas & Pinnell BAS assessments we’ve just begun using this year. The district gave us each a whole day sub, so I was able to test ALL afternoon in a quiet room without my lovely 25 other students asking questions and interrupting! I was able to get almost all of my class tested, and between the last two days I have finished all but one who has been absent! WOOHOOO!

Last testing window was back in … November? Anyway, I was sick of wasting TONS of paper, each assessment is a packet of at least 3 pages (front and back) and often you go through a few packets. I created a template to use for this round. Well, now that I’m done with this round I’ve made a bunch of changes and I would LOVE some feedback! If you have a moment (yea, right?) to look them over, I would so so so appreciate! Feel free to take use it, if it will align with your testing too. As a second year teacher, I feel like I’m missing some of that experience that would tell me what exactly I want my template to look like. Some of the things on the template are specific to F&P or to our district, so if you’d like the publisher file - so you can tweak it to what you need - let me know and I’ll email it out :) 

I am so bummed to say it out loud (and through my blog) because it means that it’s real. My hubby’s job situation has changed and it looks like I will need to start job searching on the other side of the state for next year… UGH! I know that my *two years* experience should help a bit, but I’ve got no contacts over there..! Any advice?? I’m trying to start now, early enough, to hopefully eliminate some of the stress, but I’m not sure that’s working too well!

Thanks a bunch to all you wonderful ladies!


  1. I'm sorry about the possible move. Hopefully it will bring you some unexpected blessings. (I love running records!)

    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. Moving? Scary, but can be a blessing in disguise. Good luck.

    Thanks for the running record form! Love it :)


    Fun in Room 4B

  3. Love the running record form! Sorry about the possible move. I wish I had some advice. I am in the same boat. Let you know if I have any.

    Apples and Papers

  4. Hope things start looking up on your job search...just hang in there!! It is great you are getting an early start! =) Jennifer
    First Grade Blue Skies

  5. I am your newest follower!! Thanks you for visiting my bloggity blog!!


    The 3AM Teacher
